Okay everyone, this may have been my favourite class of all time! Not only were we able to connect with students from the other cohort, but we were able to have extremely rich conversations about topics that interest us. EdCamp is such a cool way to connect and discuss ideas about things we actually WANT to discuss. In a way, it reminded me of socratic seminars, but with more autonomy to choose topics to discuss. I have a feeling that this kind of idea could work well with middle school students, especially if they are the ones bringing up the topics that they want to discuss. I also like that it doesn’t put students on the spot, and that all ideas are considered for discussions.

This is where the whiteboard notes took our discussion!

Fortunately, one of my topics was chosen to be a discussion piece. I was curious to have discussions regarding parent communication (which I have discovered through conversation that a more appropriate title would be ‘Home Team Communication’. Check out my video below for some key takeaways I had from the discussion! As I wrote on the whiteboard, some lovely humans took notes on this google doc that should be accessible to view!

What a cool way to learn! It reminded me of the film we watched early on in the semester called ‘Most Likely to Succeed’. It really demonstrated how different ways of learning can be so effective and engaging for students! Talking to each other and sharing ideas is so incredibly valuable, and it is definitely a technique I would like to include as much as possible in my future classroom.

Thank you!

Thank you for stopping by! Please feel free to leave a comment, I would love to hear your thoughts!

Ms. J